
2nd ICSAB: Second International Conference on Sustainability Accounting and Business

In today’s modern age, it is becoming more vital for us as a collective to be more concerned regarding the products we sell and use. Advancements in technology often lead to mass production to maximize profit without additional care about quality, longevity, and the materials used. To make it worse, a lack of environmental awareness makes businesses do inadequate efforts regarding sustainability in their strategies, which leads to an increase in excessive waste, environmental pollution, and overall harm to life on Earth. Therefore, our biggest challenge as practitioners in this field is to ensure that our steps moving forward can account for these through circular economic flow—to reduce energy and resource consumption while causing minimal ecological harm.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to improve our world by addressing global concerns such as severe poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental consequences, peace, and justice. There are 17 targets to achieve the SDGs, including establishing more environmentally friendly facilities and initiatives and fostering development that does not hurt our environment. So, we must continue to educate ourselves and make efforts that align with these targets.

Given the present global problems, our conference’s subject isCircular Economy: The Role of Accounting, Management, and Business in Achieving Sustainability Goals.

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